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Spotlight On: Care Coordinators at PPPSW
Care Coordinators are a critical, and incredibly appreciated part of the Planned Parenthood team.
The Care Coordination program helps coordinate any social service needs in order to take the load off patients who may be going through crisis or trauma, or who may just need extra help. A patient may be contacted by Care Coordination after their initial visit to informally get a sense for their specific needs, which includes any necessary crisis intervention, education, and/or patient advocacy.
Read on to learn more about Care Coordination through Hailey, one of our all-star Care Coordinators at PPPSW.
What was the moment you knew you’d made the right decision to work here?
I’ve been affirmed in by decision to join PPPSW a few times since I’ve started. One time in particular was the first time I went to a health center to present about Care Coordination. The health center staff was so appreciative of Care Coordination, and one staff member told me how relieved she was that CC is available to our patients, because it is tough as heath center staff to not know where to turn or how to help when a patient is struggling with barriers or social needs. I also knew PPPSW was the right place for me as the attacks on access to reproductive and sexual healthcare escalated in this country. I was so proud to see my employer and my peers driven to work even harder and feel so empowered to be a safe haven of care and hope for our patients.
What was your best day at work?
My best day of work is anytime a patient tells me they no longer need my support! I love when patients feel enabled and informed to take control of their own care and needs. It means I have done my job when I’m no longer needed, and the patent has one less barrier to contend with.
What’s something that happened that can only happen here?
PPPSW is special in that it is, for a lot of folks, the only contact with healthcare that they receive. Almost half of PPPSW patients are only seeking healthcare at PPPSW, so it provides a unique opportunity for us to be that safe place, and a starting point for folks to get connected with other resources that they may need. We are privileged to hear the stories from patients who have relied no one else for their care, and it’s an honor that folks feel they can trust PPPSW that wholeheartedly.
What are you most proud of?
I’m proud to work for an organization that stands for social justice and equity above everything else. I’m eager to be a small part of the mission to provide care without judgement, so that folks who may have nowhere else to go know that they can come here. I’m proud that PPPSW sees the value in social work for our patients, and I’m excited to expand this work and see where we take it!