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Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest Recruiter Spotlight: Meet Marissa!
Marissa is the Talent Acquisition Specialist at PPPSW and has been a member of the Planned Parenthood family since October of 2016, and started as a volunteer before that in 2013.
Could you describe what you do on our team?
I recruit for all non-licensed health center staff. This includes Medical Assistants and our front desk staff. I coordinate with many different departments and people to be able to bring on as many great candidates as possible every month.
What advice would you give a new employee for being successful at PPPSW?
Talk to people! Most people come to Planned Parenthood because they connect with the mission — that already gives you something in common with your colleagues. I have made some of my closest friends through work, and a great starting point was common values. This is more of a way to be personally successful, but sometimes relationship building can take a backseat when new employees are acclimating to a job. It’s important to learn the job and also get to know people!
What advice would you give job seekers looking to start a career with PPPSW?
We are a non-profit and the majority of employees continue to work here because they are passionate about and align with the mission of the organization. We all do better work when we care about something, so do some research and make sure that this mission is something that is important to you.
What’s the one word you would choose to describe PPPSW, and why?
Open! This is a play on how our organization is dedicated to staying open for our patients. But it is also related to how PPPSW has been adapting to the changing world. It has been great to see the organization be so open to adjusting to change, and do it enthusiastically.
What is your greatest accomplishment at PPPSW?
Recruiters are basically gatekeepers of the organizations they work for. This isn’t the most tangible example of an accomplishment, but I am proud of the fact that I have the opportunity to open that door for people. It’s important to me to bring that same open-mindedness that I mentioned in the previous question to the recruitment process so that we are able to hire applicants with a diverse range of experiences and mindsets.
What makes you proud to work at PPPSW?
Like I mentioned before, PPPSW is dedicated to changing as the world changes. This includes prioritizing our Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion efforts. I am so grateful to be able to incorporate these efforts into my daily work and see all other departments have the same goals. Knowing that my organization is dedicated to doing what’s right, not just doing what looks good, is a huge point of pride for me.
What are some of your favorite hobbies outside of work?
I am finishing up my first year of graduate school, while working full time, so I haven’t had much time for hobbies lately. But I love Pilates and try to attend a class 5 days a week. I also love reading anything and everything — my summer goal is 20 books. Finally, I moved to the beach recently and enjoy being outside in the sun, either by the pool, on my paddle board, or riding around the neighborhood on my bike.